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Fire Extinguisher Body Production Line

Fire extinguishers are equipment to made from sheet metal and filled with foam or different extinguishing liquids. They can extinguish different fires. Fire extinguisher bodies are part that stored of extinguisher substances. To make fire extinguisher bodies, the first, sheet metal is cut at required sizes. These sizes are designated according to fire extinguisher type. After, the metal plate is shaped with different ways.

Fire extinguishers are manufactured at definite standards, and their types can change according to using goal. Our sheet metal cutting machinery, rolling machine, and deep drawing machinery can make to production at different sizes.

Rolling Type Fire Extinguisher Production Line

In the production of rolling type fire extinguishers, steel sheet cut rectangularly is curled in the rolling machine, and the upper and lower parts are attached to the body by welding. In this type of production, welding machines are used extensively. Below is the body production of rolling type production:

  • Sheet steel is cut with a guillotine shear.
  • Body sheet is given cylinder shape in a rolling machine.
  • Base and head parts are punched at desired dimensions.
  • These parts are shaped in the desired molds in deep drawing machines.
Portable Foam Fire Extinguisher
  • Cylinder body is combined with a horizontal welding machine.
  • The base and head are connected to the cylinder body by a vertical welding machine.
  • Hole in the head part opens with a punch machine.
  • Neck ring to which the valve is to be mounted is welded with the head.

Fire Extinguisher Production Line With Deep Drawing

In the extinguishers produced by deep drawing, the added part is fire extinguisher base. The body and head are made with deep drawing. The next stages the production of fire extinguisher body with deep drawing:

Drawing Process

  • Body sheet is cut in a circle with a punching machine.
  • Steel circle is rolled into a deep drawing machine.
  • The base part is cut in the punching machine, and the desired form is given in a deep drawing machine.
  • Base and body are welded by vertical welding machine.
  • Neck ring is welded with the cylinder head.


All machines used in the production of fire extinguishers are described below. These machines can be supplied in different specifications and amounts depending on the type of production and cylinder sizes to be selected.

Shot Blasting Machine

Sandblasting is performed to remove dirt from the steel sheet and to weld it firmly.

Blanking Machinery

It allows cutting of steel sheet in desired shapes. Different machines with different sizes of molds are available for base, head, and body.

Guillotione Shear

In the rolling type production, it provides the cylinder sheet to be cut as rectangular quickly.

Rolling Machine

It uses special molds to roll steel sheet..

Deep Drawing Machinery

It turns circular plates into cylinders with the help of pressure.

Trimming Machine

It is a machine used for correction of product edges after cutting and deep drawing.

Beading Machine

Guide process must be made to tighten the valve and the cylinder. Beading machine is used to guide the neck ring.

Contact us to get more information about the fire extinguisher production line installation and machines.