Custom Design

Fire Extinguisher Testing Line

Fire extinguishers are subjected to different tests during the production phase and after the production is completed. Because of leakage of these products, gas protection, valves and problems during the transfer are very important. Thanks to fire extingusiher tests, problems in tubes are recognized, and necessary precautions are taken.
Our tests are performed before fire extinguishers are delivered to customers. Possible problems are identified before shipment, and their solutions are immediately found. In this way, the wrong product is not sent to the customer.


Our company offers 3 different tests for fire tubes. These tests are a quality control test, hydrostatic test, helium test. The quality control test checks the overall quality of extinguishers. Below are the test units provided by our company. For more detailed information you can visit the pages.

Quality Control Test

In the quality control test, the overall quality of the materials used is checked and the use of poor quality materials in the extinguisher is prevented.

Hydraustatic Test

It is used to check the tightness of the sheets and welds used for the body of fire extinguishers. In this test, the tubes whose production is completed are tested by immersion in water.

Helium Test

In order to control the fine leakages, it is ensured that the leak is checked with helium gas.

Contact us to get more information about the fire extinguisher production line installation and machines.